
Zain is one of the 12 Simple Letters: Time.

It is the seventh letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. Its numerical value is 7.

Zain corresponds to the third diagonal path of the Tree of Life, the path which connects Hokhma to Ghevura.

Sepher Yetzirah says about Zain: “He made the letter Zain king over motion, and He bound a crown to it, and He combined one with another, and with them He formed Gemini in the Universe, Sivan in the Year, and the left foot in the Soul male and female.


Zain corresponds to the Astrological Sign of Gemini.

The shape of the letter Zain is very similar to the Vav with the exception of the shape of the top part (called “the crown”). We have seen that Vav is a pillar that connects Heaven to Earth. Zain is the way back, the ascent from Earth to Heaven.

Zain is a dagger, (its meaning is “sword”). It is the graphical representation of the union between 2 directions. Zain turns into the Golden Scepter as the symbol of the perfect union between Male and Female.

All sevens are dear is said in the Vayikra Rabbah, the midrash about Leviticus.

7 is, traditionally, the number of totality, completeness, and fullness. Jewish Mysticism says that the Universe is made of 7 Heavens (שמים, Shamayim) to represent its perfect completion.

Zain is teaching us the importance of balancing Masculine and Feminine in our lives. The balance of Animus and Anima.